Everyone who can tell a story can earn money!!!

You can earn money from a story / novel or poem. Your story could be based on real life, something made up or a fantasy / secret desire / a dream. If you have a idea, but do not feel you could actually write it; you could use a ghost writer to convert your idea into a story.

You can write one story or hundreds of stories it is entirely up to you. The more you write the more income you can expect to earn. Your ongoing income is is generated from advertising revenue (or other benefits) that are generated from your advert(s) that are linked to your story. You will receive 100% of the money (or other benefits) received from your advert(s).

See the Writers guide lines below for more detailed information.

All members (authors and readers) are anonymous by default

Note, authors who want to promote themselves or their work can do this via a credit in their story (By John Doe) or by using their advertising space to promote themselves or link to their own website.

For the protection of all members (authors and readers) registrations and profiles do not include the full name or physical address or any bank account details of any site member. This means that anyone can submit a story without anyone knowing who they are. So unless an author specifically includes their name in a story (such as By John Doe) or some other method of identification no one will know who wrote a particular story. If an author is telling a story based on real life we suggest that details such as names, descriptions, locations etcetera are changed so that the author or characters involved cannot be deduced from the story.

Why become an author?

There are numerous advantages of being an author including:-

Turn your existing or new story / article / tip into $£€...

Short stories / novels (Childrens, Romantic & Other)

If you have an existing story or idea for a story, be it a short story, a novel; fiction or based on true life you can turn it into money as detailed below.

Articles, tips and other information

You can also earn by writing an article on anything you know. This could be on how to do something such as how to make money online, how to take better photos on an iPhone, cooking tips, how to save money etc. See our sister sites for more information.

We will promote your book / story / novel / book / poem / sketch / article etc.

Once approved each story etcetera will be available on the site and listed in our next news letter as a new title (providing the title does not include any unsuitable text) (that currently has over 160,000 registered subscribers between the sister sites).

How to get a story / book / novel published

Getting your story / book / novel published is easy.

Registering as an author

Note If you have already joined/registered on this site you can login and submit your work as an author. The only additional thing authors need to do is to set the optional author information in their profile to be able to earn money.

If you have not registered yet you can do it here for free.

Writers guide lines

How to write your story.

We suggest that you write your story using a word processor (text editor) that includes spelling and grammatical error checking such as MS Word or Textedit but there are numerous alternatives including some that are available for free online. When you have written your story copy and paste the text (your story) into the story submission form. You can provide an optional cover image for your story if you wish, for more information on this please see the information provided on the story submission form page.

Your own work

Any story / poem you submit must be your own work or you have full rights to submit it from the copyright owner. If you are not the copyright owner you should ensure that you have the permission from the copyright owner (that we suggest is in writing), with rights to publish. Your story / poem must have a romantic or sensual / naughty sensual nature. For other stories types or articles please use our sister sites.

How much will it cost to publish my story?

Nothing, we do not charge you to become a member or to host your story and you can copy an paste your story from your text editor directly into the story submission form. If you hire someone else to help you, obviously this is a contract between you and the the other party and you will need to arrange to pay them for their work or have some other arrangement that could be a profit sharing deal. We offer an automatic method of doing profit sharing with another party (10% to 90%) if you wish to use this option.

Story length.

While we do not have a length for stories we suggest a couple of pages up to a full length novel. Poems / sketch / vignettes will however normally relatively short and may only be a few paragraphs long.

More important than length (word count or character count) is, every chapter/section should be engaging and be provide compelling reading so you get more likes. The more likes (readers) you get the higher your story will be ranked and the more benefits you can expact to receive from your advertising space as it can be expected to have more views.

Subject matter.

If you have an romantic story / peom, we would invite you to submit it. We accept spicy stories for readers who who like something a bit naughty. If you would like to ask a question about submitting a story please use the contact us form. All stories here should have a romantic / sexual theme, for other stories or articles please use our sister sites.

We do not accept stories that are racially abusive, insite violance, promote anything illegal or involve intimate under age relationships.

Stories should...

Set the scene, progress with the narrative and end at a reasonable place. It is important not leave the reader frustrated. By this we mean after reading through your story the reader should feel satisfied when they reach the end. If you do not do this you will probably find your like rating suffers.

As mentioned you can add additional chapters at any time but some care needs to be taken so that readers can read up to the current end without feeling your story is half finished. A reasonable example of this is the My light bulb moment story where the story currently ends nicely however it leaves the possibility of being extended (what they do the next day, week etc.).

Additional chapters can be added by the original author at any time or other authors where the original author has indicated they are happy for others to extend their story.

If you are writing a story that can be extended please read the next paragraph.

Please note - to get your story approved you need to ensure that it will not leave readers frustrated

Before we approve a story, we consider if it is complete enough to be of interest to readers. It needs to be a story and not just a short introduction. You can write it in parts, but before it is approved it needs to be complete enough so that the reader will feel satisfied when they reach the end. As we mentioned we do not have an actual minimum length but do want to ensure that it is a story and not just an introduction. Obviously poems and some personal erotic experiences or fantasies may be short but they need to leave the reader satisfied.

If your story does not currently satisfy this requirement simply add some additional content and resubmit for consideration.

Extending a story

It is important that each new chapter/section added to a story continues on from the current story and like a normal story ends at a reasonable place so that it does not feel half finished. The way to look at this, is write like you are doing a TV soap, where each episode continues on from the previous one and leaves the possibility of another chapter (episode), unless you specifically want to end the story.

Writing a new story or adding to and existing story

You can start a new story (or extend an existing story where the original author has enabled this).

When writing an extension to an existing story you need to ensure it flows on from the previous part(s) of the story. Using one of the existing stories (My light bulb moment) as an example where the couple decide to to go on a picnic (in the second chapter). If you were the first to extend this story you could write what they do the following day. They may go on another outing where they go in a car, train, walk, by horse, motor bike, baloon, boat, etcetera. The key is that if you are writing an extension it needs to flow on from the sections that go before it.

All submissions must be your own work

You are not allowed to submit anyone else's work as your own or plagiarize other peoples work and call it your own. You under take to be fully responsible for any work you submit.

Fiction or Non-Fiction

You can write either fiction or non-fiction, however if you are writing a real life story you must change the characters names and any specific places if required so that no individual can be identified.

Spelling and Grammar

Please check your story is spelt correctly and gramatically correct before submitting. Most text editors now allow for spell checking and gramatical checks.

As the quality of your chapter, story can affect your feedback rating and therefore your views we suggest using a dedicated grammar checker click here for a dedicated grammar checker. The other thing is to ensure your work is readable. You can check your work for readability here.

While there are some differencies in spellings between languages such as colour and color (UK and USA respectively) you should use a consistant spelling throughout your story as UK English or USA English etc.


We will be accepting stories in other latin based languages shortly. If you have something that you would like to submit in a different language please contact us.

Ghost writers

If you have a story but cannot write it yourself you can contact a ghost writer (someone who will write your story for you). You can submit a request for a ghost writer on this site or do a search on the Internet. You need to ensure that you own all the rights when using a ghost writer. Ghost writers can take a story outline and write the entire story or take your copy and polish it.

If you would like to help others write their stories, you can register as a ghost writer and quote on requests.

Your rights and copyright

We include a copyright statement on each page to indicate that the displayed information is copyrighted to protect your ownership rights.

Submitting your work here does not prevent you from publishing your work in other places or on other media. If anyone violates your copyright, you can take any action you wish to protect your interests / rights.

By submitting your work you give permission for it to be displayed on this website.

Playing fair with readers

When you submit a story here you can use your advertising space to promote other books you may have for sale. What is not allowed is to post just part of a story here and then using your advertising space to sell the full version of the story.

How to earn money / benefit as an author

Submitting your story/stories/chapters on this site will allow you to earn money or benefit in various ways as generally outlined below.

How authors can earn money from their advertising area

Each story page includes an area that can be used to display an affiliate advert or other advert provided by the author of the displayed story. The author's advertising area can be used to generate an income based on views, clicks, a percentage of sales (affiliate marketing) or the sales of their own products or services.

You can use your author's area to market your own products or services, affiliate products or show other advertising including PPV / PPC (Pay Per View / Pay Per Click) etc. In all cases you can benefit/earn money. If you have your own products or services you can use your area to advertise them and benefit from additional sales. If you do not have anything to market yourself, you can display affiliate links where you can earn money from affiliate sales or display advertising for others where you can earn from advertising revenue generated. All you need to do is to enter the marketing material to be displayed in your members area.

To benefit from your marketing area, you need to use one of the options below so that you can earn money from it.

Note, you will receive 100% of the benefits of the marketing you set up.

Marketing your own products or services

If you have your own products or services you would like to market you can use your authors' area to display an advert including an optional link to your sales page or website. If you have written a book you could link to your Amazon sales page for example.

Affiliate links and commission links

Affiliate links and commission links allow you to earn money from sales make by users buying via your affiliate or commissions link. In general affiliate links can earn you more than PPC / PPV / PPA (Pay per click / Pay per view / Pay per action etc.) advertising. You can find affiliate products to market at www.clickbank.com or you can register with Amazon and promote their goods. In either case simply add your affiliate link / commission link in your members area with a suitable description. You will be paid 100% of the revenue generated directly by the company you set up with.

Using PPV / PPC / PPA adverts

You can display Pay Per View, Pay Per Click or Pay Per Action adverts in your authors' area. These are like those you see on many websites the difference is that you will earn from advertising revenue. The easiest way to do this is to register for Google adsence / Amazon or a similar service. You will get paid 100% of the revenue generated directly from the company you register with.

Ghost writers

Registering as a ghost writer will allow you to receive requests for writing from other members. You can then communicate with the requester and provide a quote for your work. We do not take a commission on your ghost writing so you keep 100% of your earnings.

Spin-off deals

Authors have the optional opportunity to be contacted by others who may be interested in doing a deal such as making your story into a play or film or some other deal. If you indicate in your profile that you are interested in this we will send you a notification when a request is make. You can then reply to the requester if you are interested. We do not take a commission on any spin-off deals you may land, so you keep 100% of your earnings.

Promoting yourself

You can promote your goods and services in your advertising space. Adverts are not allowed in your story.

Networking with other authors/others

While you cannot directly email others we will forward messages to individuals who have opted in to receive messages from others.

Available shortly - You can also place an message in the blog to broardcast to all members.

Quantity and quality both affect how much you can earn/benefit

The more you write the more times your advertising space will be displayed and the more income you can expect to earn from your advertising space. Your advertising is displayed on every page displaying your story* (see your profile for full details). So the more pages you write the more pages will display your advertising.

Quality (popularity) is also very important; the more people who like your stories the more views you can expect to get.

Anyone looking for an author to write something for them can be expected to short list authors whose work they like.

Sister sites

The sister sites we are working on will be online shortly. Combined these will allow you to submit and earn from:-

Additional information on our sister sites will be available shortly here.

Getting started

If you are a member you just need to log in and then post your story. See Submit a story under Your area after you have logged in. If you are not currently a member, click on the button below to join/register as an author/reader.


Join for free or log in

To access members only content, please either click on the Join button to join as a free member or click on the log in button.


Share your story/idea and earn money. $£€...

We invite everyone from any country to share their story (or idea for a story) and turn it into an ongoing income. Stories can be fictitious or based on real life. You can enlist the help of a ghost writer if you have an idea for a story but need some help doing the writing. More....

You do not even need to write a whole story!!!

You could just write a single chapter to start earning money $£€... More....

Authors of romantic stories, love stories, erotic stories, sexy stories, adult stories, sensual stories, erotic stories, short stories, sex position stories, erotic books, erotic romance books wanted. Find out how you can earn money by sharing your story or fantasy.

FREE Viral marketing tool generates FREE traffic / visitors to your website automatically. Click here to find out more.

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© Copyright 2013-2020 myromanticstories.com. No information contained on this site maybe copied by any means or used for any reason without prior written permission. The stories and images contained on this site remain the property of the individual owners and the submitter has declared that they are the owner of the work submitted or an authorised representative of the owner.