2015-09-10 New story added

'The Denniford abduction', this is a crime novel.

2015-09-03 New story added

'Swingers', a married couple try swinging.

2015-08-10 New story added

'My Lust' Short story of desire

2015-06-01 16:04:01 Video uploaded to Youtube

'The Sperm Donor' is a hilarious tale of mistaken identity that is bound to make you laugh. The Sperm Donor
Click here to watch the The Sperm Donor

2014-03-25 11:42:01 Re-design includes mobile device support including tablets and mobile phones

The My Romantic Stories website has now been re-designed to support mobile devices including small screen devices like mobile smart phones. We have also made a lot of additional changes to make the user interface easier to use. The changes to support mobile devices will make it easier for readers who want to read stories on the go.

If you have any suggestions to further improve this site, please contact us.

2013-01-24 21:08:14 MyRomanticStories.com is now available online

The My Fantasies website is now available for both readers to read submitted stories and for authors to submit their stories and earn money.


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We invite everyone from any country to share their story (or idea for a story) and turn it into an ongoing income. Stories can be fictitious or based on real life. You can enlist the help of a ghost writer if you have an idea for a story but need some help doing the writing. More....

You do not even need to write a whole story!!!

You could just write a single chapter to start earning money $£€... More....

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